The literal meaning of Bio is a biography or short biographical profile of someone. Similarly, Instagram bio is tag line which gives the first impression about your business and brand. The most eye catching bio gets the most attention. According to Instagram, bio has a limitation up to 150 characters but marketers should not have any problem in creating punchy bio.

Moreover the obvious huge user count, Instagram graphical nature makes it the ideal platform to sell online. That is the reason many businesses sell on Instagram and even use it as their primary sales channel.

The top most important characteristic of a successful Instagram Bio for businesses strategy is the profile bio. This is usually called a landing page for users who are visiting your account. A solid bio can increase both brand awareness and discoverability while generating more clicks on the call to action as it is configured.

  1. Bio length upto160 characters

It is recommended to use 160 characters when writing a catchy bio. By writing concisely we can easily enter a CTA, business information (email, phone, etc.) Businesses that have lengthy bios create ambiguity. 

  1. Instagram Profile Photo

Profile photo or a logo on Instagram profile help the followers to identify your business instantly. On mobile mode profile picture appears as a circle on your Instagram profile at 110×110 pixels. On desktop mode image size is 180×180 pixels. The profile picture appears round on Instagram but is actually a square photo with an aspect ratio of 1:1. You may need to align or shorten the sizes of your profile photo as per the given dimensions. It is possible that your profile photo may be cropped when circled after uploading so you may need to make sure that any critical areas of profile photos are not cropped.

  1. Selection of Username and Selecting Business Category

It is recommended to use your business name as your Instagram username. This enables the followers to search for your business easily .Usernames are key ranking signals for search results so keep it simple. There is a possibility business name is not available but you can certainly consider adding short letters of your city or region. For instance PepsiPakistan.

Once username is created than select a business category to your Instagram bio. Selecting a category is imperative as it is shown to customers about what your business does. There are several categories for businesses and each business can select more than one category for their business. Category of business is editable and can be updated anytime down the road if needed.

  1. Good CTAs means Great results

Call to action is the imperative part of Instagram bio. This is where users click when they view your page. There are three categories of CTAs

  • Homepage: This is a link to the business homepage. 
  • Landing Page: It is an exclusive landing page for users. It works best for most businesses 
  • Shopping Page: It is basically a portfolio page of products and services featured on Instagram. Users can buy the products directly from this social shopping page.

Our research indicates that most businesses are not making proper use of CTAs. Most of the businesses are misdirecting users on the irrelevant links such as homepages. Very few business were right on track in their call to action which is the shopping page.Businesses must ensure that they have a dedicated section for new arrivals and featured products on their homepages and users can find products easily. 

  1. Utilization of emojis

Since there is a limited space in bio, one must make the best use of it by using  emojis carefully. They work best when used to identify key information about business such as location, hours, email and contact number.

  1. Hashtag usage 

It is recommended to use hashtags in bio as it directly connects the visibility with searching bots which are the part of every social media channels. Hashtag can be generic such as generic keywords #computer or branded hashtag example would be #pepsi

Generic hashtags are usually good for growing discoverability. For instance #employeeoftheweek hashtag in bio, it will show up your profile when netizen searches for this hashtag.

  1. Must incorporate contacting information

Either it is an email, website, phone number or address, it is imperative to keep this information updated in your bio. The goal is to serve customers .Contacting information is necessary to collect leads from potential customers. These days many businesses are connecting their watsapp number. Thanks to facebook for integrating watsapp and making it easy for businesses to organize their business needs in a more efficient and easy way.