Brighten up your space with the best houseplants that are low maintenance ( hard to die). Here, we’ve rounded up the best houseplants, along with tips for caring for them.

1. Fig tree (Ficus Lyrata)

This shrub has long, elegant stems and branches with broad, hairy leaves. For the location, Schrader suggests “under the skylight or next to the window.” In other words, it needs as much sun as possible. The upper branches should be pruned as they grow above the window frame.

2. Philodendron (Monstera Deliciosa)

This plant has a distinctive leaf that looks like it has been delicately cut by a careful hand. as long as it has aerial roots attached, replant it which means if you buy one you can easily get more if you want. Care for split-leaf Philodendron:

Water once a week.

3. Meyer lemon tree (Citrus X Meyer)

This plant, called Meyer lemon, is said to be a hybrid between a lemon and a mandarin, with a more subtle and sweeter taste than lemons. But these trees don’t stop at the fruit:

When they bloom, you’ll have a lovely orange blossom scent. Meyer lemon trees grow well indoors as long as they get plenty of suns. Meyer lemon tree care:

Water weekly.

4. Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana)

The leaves of this best houseplants rise from the ground to great heights, then bend forward, quietly shading the ground below. He looks great in a large vase, note that there must be plenty of space as he can grow up to 10 feet tall with a wide reach

Kentia Palm Care:

Requires medium to bright light; water weekly. 

5. Cast iron plant (Aspidistra Elatior)

This plant is “primarily for foliage”, which means if you’re looking to add a lush dark green to your space, then this plant is for you. It grows well in medium to low light and tolerates neglect, so it’s okay to forget to water it once in a while.

Castiron plant care:

Water once a week or once every ten days.

6. Amazonian Lilies (Eucharis Amazonica)

Another dark green plant, but this one has large white flowers that bloom throughout winter and early spring. Even if it doesn’t flower, it’s still beautiful. It thrives in medium light; Let the soil dry out between waterings.

Amazon lily care:

Leaves will wilt when they need water, but once a week should suffice.

7. Snake’s Tongue (Sansevieria Trifasciata)

I think they’re experiencing a resurgence, especially for contemporary interiors. With sword-shaped leaves that curl gently from the ground like snakes seduced from a basket, this houseplant strikes a beautiful balance between order and chaos.

Snake plant care:

Place where desired and allow the soil to dry completely between waterings. Check the floor weekly, but you can skip some.

8. African spear (Sansevieria Cylindrica)

Very architectural, very sculptural. Indeed, the conical leaves of these best houseplants conjure images of Spiers, memorials, and skyscrapers.

African spear care:

Set in any light of your choice; water every few weeks.

9. Peruvian apple cactus (Cereus peruvianus)

No matter what the weather is outside, a cactus will make you feel at home in a desert oasis. Not only is it easy to maintain, but with its upright sculptural nature, this odd architecture always makes a big statement. As the plant grows, it tends to move toward the light. For balance, rotate the tree so that it leans away from the sun, then it will tilt back.

Peruvian apple cactus care:

Bright, indirect light is best, but the Peruvian apple cactus can also thrive in medium to full light. Water once a month.

10. Winterbourn (Xanadu Philosophy)

A smaller version of the oversized tropical leaves—it will only be about 3 to 4 feet tall—this textured plant is ideal for spaces with little light.

Winterbourn tree care:

Winterbourn also likes bright, indirect sunlight. Be careful not to water too much. If the soil is dry, you can safely water it. However, if it feels damp to the touch, let it sit for a few days before watering. Cut off the yellow and dead leaves as they appear.

11. Mistletoe Cactus (Rhipsalis)

Look for more unusual cactus varieties, such as Rhipsalis, kalanchoe thyrsiflora, and the white beauty of aloe. Sort them into a triple or amass a larger collection. Rhipsalis offers a welcome change of texture from the sometimes controlled look of other succulents.

Mistletoe Cactus Care:

This hardy plant does best in indirect light, but it can also survive in low light. Just make sure to put it under light from time to time to help it recharge. Water weekly. If the tassels fall off, it’s a sign that the plant is thirsty. 

12. Asparagus Plumosa (Asparagus Plumosa)

While this houseplant isn’t technically a fern, it still has characteristic soft leaves. It can be trimmed to look almost like a spooky little tree, but with a mind of its own, you can also leave it free to explore its space and observe its movements along the way.

Asparagus fern care:

The plant can handle partial sun, and the entire watering schedule varies. De Give recommends lightly moisturizing. 

13. Field corn (Dracaena fragrans massangeana)

Rounding out our list of the best houseplants is this striking striped leaf plant. This low-maintenance plant will look great in your living room and can reach 4 to 6 feet tall.